Saturday 9 April 2011

I see the cross.

                               I see the cross,
                            I see my Lord
                         O, what have they done
                              to You?
                       But now I remember,
                           It had to be.
                      He died for you and me.
                      The tomb now empty,
                        where can He be?
                     But now I remember,
                       It had to be.

                 He has risen to plead,
                     for you and me.

Life is not always easy.

                         Life is not always easy,
                           It can often be very hard.
                          Through every day troubles
                              trials and the like;
                               we are tested most days
                                  of our lives.

                       We are persecuted often,
                         and wonder, ''Why me''?
                           But let us remember
                              the Lord Jesus Christ,
                                 who died for you and me.

                    He was hurt and persecuted often
                        but still he carried on.
                     He died so we may be forgiven,
                         and also that we may have life.

                 We sit and often grumble
                   for many people to hear,
                   but let us remember our Lord Jesus
                    remember His love for you and me.

               So when we think everything is upon us,
                 and feel a little bit low,
                look around and see the beauty
                      he gave us, in everything that

           His love will never fail us.
          It always will be there,
           He will always listen to our
            and show us that He cares.

         So when life seems hard,
              and we wonder, ''Why me''?
           Let us remember our Lord Jesus Christ
                Remember He died for you
                    and me.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Jesus' Resurrection

Isaiah 53:12
He poured out His soul unto death, and He was numbered
with the transgressors, and He bore the sins of many.

                  Is God aloof from human pain
                   that ravages our mortal frame?
                      Oh, no, Christ felt our agony
                        when sin and death He overcame! (D. De Haan)

 Christ's empty tomb guarantees our victory over sin and death.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Show love even in a small way

Matthew 10:42
And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one
of these little ones, because he is my disciple I tell the
truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.

How much we love God can be shown by how well we treat others.
Jesus here gives an example, by giving a thirsty child a cup of
cold water.  This shows an unselfish attitude,because a child
normally can't return a favour.  When we show love towards a
person we should not expect something in return.

God notices every good deed we do or don't do, as if He were the
 one receiving it. 

Can you think of something unselfish that you can do for someone today?  Although no-one else may see you, God will notice.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation`

Psalm 51 :12
Restore to me the gift of your salvation and grant
me a willing spirit to sustain me.

Do you ever feel that you are just going through the motions in
your faith?  Has your sin ever driven a wedge between you and God, making him seem like a million miles away?

David felt this way.  In Psalm51, David pleads for mercy, forgiveness and cleansing.  God wants us to be close to him,
  but we have to confess our sins.  If we do not, fellowship and
 closeness to God is impossible.

God has never said everything will be a bed of roses.  You may have to face some problems, but God will give back the joy of
your relationship with him.

God gives Mercy

Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; but he who trusts in
the Lord, mercy shall surround him.

        In You, O Lord, we take delight,
         our every need You can supply;
            we long to do what's true and right,
          so, Lord, on You we will rely.

Present choices determine future rewards.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Upon The Cross

          I write this down to
           let you know,
        of one who died
           for you and me.

         Upon the cross they
              laid him there,
          so that new life would
               be given to you and me.

           My mind now thankfully
                  at peace.
              My heart filled with
               knowing he is there
                   within me.
                  This he will also do for
                  If you care to call upon
                          our Lord.

                     Just kneel and speak
                      with Him today,
                      no-one needs to hear
                        you pray.

                       He is your friend,
                           please don't forget.
                         Remember He died
                             for you and me